Ever Learning

Finding the Bright Pockets in Life

Does it seem disrespectful to talk about the brighter moments of life during this pandemic? Part of me feels strange about it. Strange that while many are sick, dying, in financial distress and people in my own family and workplace are continuing to work in essential services, I’m even daring to look for those pockets. But I do. I kind of think we have to.

Two days before things shut down, M, S, L and I headed to some marshland trails on a sunny afternoon. There were only very small areas of bright snow left, leaving everything very dull and muted, but the air of early spring was so fresh.

And even among the dull and muted landscape – maybe because of it – we saw bursts of colour.

Maybe it’s the same thing in other aspects of life right now too.

Because there aren’t many people on the street, we notice much more easily the smiles and nods of those we pass. Because we are each moving farther apart as we pass, we look a bit harder for the eye contact and with it, get a bit more of a sense of togetherness than we usually might.

Because things aren’t normal right now, we pay a little more attention to our online or telephone communication with friends and families. We give the extra “keep taking really good care” at the end of our conversations and receive it as well.

Right now, we are less likely to greet a friend or family member who has called with, “Hey, how’s it going?” than “How are you?”

And we actually want to know.

Yesterday, two police cruisers pulled up across the street and approached a house diagonally across from us. Things seemed increasingly strange and in the interaction and admittedly, I opened a window to hear what was going on ;). As I was listening, I looked directly below my bedroom window and I saw a cottontail rabbit asleep just a few feet below me. My nosy ears were hearing conflict, but my observant eyes were watching the peaceful rest of the rabbit.

And that seems to be the defining juxtaposition of this period of time – the terrible with the wonderful.

While thousands suffered and died in Italy, people still had the heart to come out and make music on balconies across the way from one another. In many places, healthcare workers are cheered as they finish their shift, and people leap and wave beside open roads as truck drivers drive by.

During shopping trips, customers and store employees seem more patient with one another, even though the circumstances are much more stressful and everyone is in the strange position of protecting ourselves from one another! “Thank you”s to the employees are met with genuine “You’re welcome”s. People appreciate being appreciated.

Many families have found themselves together much more – again, potentially a challenge but also a gift.

And this morning, my mother-in-law sent me a lovely video from National Geographic, showing that the earth has been able to breathe and rest a bit.  I know – some might say there is no way to maintain the results of that video and maybe they’re right, but it’s a wonderful bright moment during a really dark time…. the knowledge of even a temporarily cleaner earth is lovely to hold onto, even for a while.

Amidst difficult physical, emotional and financial times, we can look for courage and tenacity, calm and kindness.

Oh, how I love a good quote and this one keeps popping up for me right now:

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” – Mr. Rogers

This morning, L and I went back to the window to see if the cottontail rabbit was back in its same spot. It wasn’t. By this afternoon though, there it was in exactly the same spot, facing the same way, relaxing in the early spring breeze with absolutely no awareness that the human world has come to a halt. Undeterred even by two tuxedo cats on the window sill, staring intently from above, it wasn’t going to relinquish its peaceful moments to anxious concerns.

I think I’ll have a look for that rabbit every afternoon😊. It’s become one of the bright pockets in my day.

Have you been noticing any bright “pockets” in your day?

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